In France, Pépé lePew is not French. He's Italian. He's called "Pépé le Putois" which means "Pepe the Polecat" and not "Pepe the Cunt", as I had originally hoped, because "putois" seemed like a cool word I might like to start calling people I don't like. As in: "suck on this, Poo-twah!" According to my sister-in-law, the French don't see themselves as being smelly, relentless pussy-chasers. That's Italian territory, merci beaucoup.
I bought a pack of strawberry flavoured chewing gum called "STYLE by Hollywood" because I loved the way it looked, and the name made me laugh. And sure enough, just like Style in Hollywood, the packaging was super cool -- it folded out like a cigarette case, with individually wrapped pieces the size and shape of Trident (old school, not the bubble pack tablet things) . And once again, just like Hollywood, I was enraptured by the initial Frankenberryesque flavour of the gum, only to spit it out in disgust 2 minutes later when it turned to tasteless rubber in my mouth.
4. SARKOZY IS NOT THAT GUY WHO CAN FLY ON HEROES.And apparently to suggest such a thing in certain company is très gauche.
I would be quite flattered if someone thought my President could fly.
5. THIS DUDE IS THE BIGGEST POP STAR IN FRANCE.His name is Christophe Willem and he sings like a girl.
I think he might have sold me a PS3 at Best Buy last year.
Hey, he's really going places...good for him!