So it goes without saying that I should stop looking for a job on Craigslist. But these are desperate times, and I am slowly becoming acquainted with desperate measures.
Excerpt of job posting on craigslist:

Tough boss needs admin support in busy office. $42K and perks galore for the right candidate. Must handle stress with grace. You should be proficient with all basic computer programs required for administrative functions. If you have to ask what these are, do not apply!
It takes a special kind of person to use the word minion in a want ad. I guess you have to have a sense of humour about it, because it's true. Anyways, you sound like a bitch, so good luck with that sweetheart.
Maybe it's the Monarch from the Venture Brothers. And he's looking for henchman.
Do you think anyone ever posted a Craigslist ad for henchman?
Maybe I should try.
You know, I was considering it myself! If nothing else, it would be good comedy for depressed people like me who are tired of looking for jobs. Plus, I'd love to read the applications. Those would make some really good posts.
I think that is my last corporate boss. I would avoid her like the plague. Did I mention LAST corporate boss?
This is brilliant. It's too bad making fun of losers isn't hiring.
Geeze, for that salary I'd do it! Damn!
Sounds more like Baron Unterbheit to me, actually, if you're going for Venture Brothers references.
The Dept. of Labor's ruling was that if I didn't use the word "minions" in the ad then I couldn't use the riding crop incentive program anymore. So...
True, though... you can't overlook CraigsList in your job hunt. Even though it's riddled with spam and other bogus, crappy stuff, there are actual positions listed there. The main reason there are actual, decent jobs there is because posting is free. So, recruiters (one of my jobs) usually post to CL along with their other usual ad venues, just to see what comes in. I've hired a few people off CL!
BSUWG: I do agree that Craigslist has plenty of legit employers and overall, it's a good job board. In fact, I got my last job thru CL! I'm just poking some fun at it...
That should snare you some damn good interviews.
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